[. . . ] ‡ Old fridges and freezers contain isolation material and refrigerant with CFC. Therefore, WDNH FDUH QRW WR KDUP WKH HQYLURQPHQW ZKHQ \RX DUH GLVFDUGLQJ \RXU ROG IULGJHV ‡ 3OHDVH DVN \RXU PXQLFLSDO DXWKRULW\ DERXW WKH GLVSRVDO RI WKH :((( IRU the reuse, recycle and recovery purposes. Notes: ‡ Please read the instruction manual carefully before installing and using your appliance. ‡ )ROORZ DOO LQVWUXFWLRQV RQ \RXU DSSOLDQFH DQG LQVWUXFWLRQ PDQXDO DQG NHHS WKLV PDQXDO in a safe place to resolve the problems that may occur in the future. ‡ This appliance is produced to be used at houses and it can only be used in house and IRU WKH VSHFL¿HG SXUSRVHV , W LV QRW VXLWDEOH IRU FRPPHUFLDO RU FRPPRQ XVH 6XFK XVH will cause the guarantee of the appliance to be cancelled and our company will not be responsible for the losses to be occurred. [. . . ] ‡ Your appliance should be at least 50 cm away from stoves, Gas ovens and heater cores, and should be at least 5 cm away from electrical ovens. ‡ :KHQ \RXU IULGJH LV SODFHG QH[W WR D GHHS IUHH]HU WKHUH VKRXOG EH DW OHDVW  FP EHWZHHQ them to prevent humidity on the outer surface. ‡ Clean the appliance thoroughly, especially in the interior, before use (See Cleaning and Maintenance). ‡ , QVWDOODWLRQ SURFHGXUH LQWR WKH NLWFKHQ XQLW LV JLYHQ LQ WKH 7KH LQVWDOODWLRQ SURFHGXUH LQWR WKH NLWFKHQ XQLW LV JLYHQ LQ WKH , QVWDOODWLRQ 0DQXDO 7KLV SURGXFW LV LQWHQGHG WR EH XVHG LQ SURSHU NLWFKHQ XQLWV only. EN -5- ‡ The adjustable front legs should be adjusted to an appropriate height to allow your freezer to operate in a stable and proper way. You can adjust the legs by turning them FORFNZLVH RU LQ WKH RSSRVLWH GLUHFWLRQ  7KLV VKRXOG EH GRQH EHIRUH SODFLQJ IRRG LQ WKH freezer. ‡ Before using your fridge, wipe all parts with warm water added with a tea spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, and then rinse with clean water and dry. ‡ , QVWDOO WKH GLVWDQFH DGMXVWPHQW SODVWLF WKH SDUW ZLWK EODFN YDQHV DW WKH UHDU E\ WXUQLQJ LW ƒ DV VKRZQ LQ WKH ¿JXUH WR SUHYHQW WKH condenser from touching the wall. Before Using your Fridge ‡ :KHQ LW LV RSHUDWHG IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH RU DIWHU WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ NHHS \RXU IULGJH LQ WKH XSULJKW SRVLWLRQ IRU  KRXUV DQG SOXJ LW RQ WR DOORZ HI¿FLHQW operation. ‡ <RXU IULGJH PD\ KDYH D VPHOO ZKHQ LW LV RSHUDWHG IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH WKH VPHOO ZLOO IDGH away when your fridge starts to cool. PART 2. HOW TO OPERATE THE APPLIANCE Thermostat setting ‡ Thermostat automatically regulates the inside temperature of the refrigerator compartment DQG IUHH]HU FRPSDUWPHQW %\ URWDWLQJ WKH NQRE from position 1 to 5, colder temperatures can be obtained. ‡ The “ “ position shows thermostat is closed and no cooling is available. BEFORE CALLING YOUR AFTER SALES SERVICE , I \RXU UHIULJHUDWRU LV QRW ZRUNLQJ SURSHUO\ LW PD\ EH D PLQRU SUREOHP WKHUHIRUH FKHFN WKH following. The appliance does not operate, Check if; ‡ There is a power failure, ‡ The mains plug is not properly plugged in, or is loose ‡ The thermostat setting is on position “ ”, ‡ 7KH VRFNHW LV GHIHFWLYH 7R FKHFN WKLV SOXJ LQ DQRWKHU DSSOLDQFH WKDW \RX NQRZ ZKLFK LV ZRUNLQJ LQWR WKH VDPH VRFNHW EN -10- The appliance performs poorly; Check if; ‡ You have overloaded the appliance, ‡ The doors are not closed perfectly, ‡ 7KHUH DUH QRW HQRXJK YHQWLODWLRQ GXFWV RQ WKH NLWFKHQ XQLW DV PHQWLRQHG LQ WKH , QVWDOODWLRQ Manual. If there is noise; 7KH FRROLQJ JDV ZKLFK FLUFXODWHV LQ WKH UHIULJHUDWRU FLUFXLW PD\ PDNH D VOLJKW QRLVH EXEEOLQJ sound) even when the compressor is not running. If these VRXQGV DUH GLIIHUHQW FKHFN LI ‡ 7KH DSSOLDQFH LV LQVWDOOHG ¿UPO\ DV GHVFULEHG LQ WKH , QVWDOODWLRQ 0DQXDO ‡ The objects on the appliance are vibrating. f there is water in the lower part of the refrigerator; Check if; The drain hole for defrost water is not clogged (use defrost drain plug to clean the drain hole). If your fridge is not cooling enough; Your fridge is designed to operate in the ambient temperature intervals stated in the standards, according to the climate class stated in the information label. We do not recommend operating your fridge out of stated temperatures value limits in terms of cooling effectiveness. Climate Class T ST N SN Recommendations ‡ In order to increase space and improve the appearance, the “cooling section” of UHIULJHUDWRUV LV SRVLWLRQHG LQVLGH WKH EDFN ZDOO RI WKH UHIULJHUDWRU FRPSDUWPHQW :KHQ WKH FRPSUHVVRU LV ZRUNLQJ WKLV ZDOO LV FRYHUHG ZLWK IURVW RU ZDWHU GURSV 'R QRW ZRUU\ 7KLV LV TXLWH QRUPDO 7KH DSSOLDQFH VKRXOG EH GHIURVWHG RQO\ LI DQ H[FHVVLYHO\ WKLFN LFH OD\HU IRUPV RQ WKH EDFN ZDOO ‡ , I WKH DSSOLDQFH LV QRW XVHG IRU D ORQJ WLPH IRU H[DPSOH GXULQJ WKH VXPPHU KROLGD\V  VHW WKH WKHUPRVWDW NQRE WR SRVLWLRQ ³ ”. Defrost and clean the refrigerator leaving the door open to prevent the formation of mildew and smell. Conformity Information ‡ 1RUPDO &ODVV LV GH¿QHG IRU WKH HQYLURQPHQW WHPSHUDWXUHV EHWZHHQ ƒ& DQG ƒ& LQ accordance with the TS EN ISO 15502 Standards. ‡ The appliance is designed in compliance with the EN15502, IEC60335-1 / IEC60335-224, 2004/108/EC standards. [. . . ] &KHFN WKH LQVWDOODWLRQ GLPHQVLRQV DFFRUGLQJ WR ¿J& 7KH SRVLWLRQ RI WKH MRLQW EHWZHHQ the unit doors must be level with the position of the joint between the appliance doors. Insert WULP ÀDS1 into slot and screw by screws6 ¿J' 3. Pass the power cord through ventilation shaft and position it so that the appliance could EH HDVLO\ SOXJJHG LQ RQFH LW KDV EHHQ LQVWDOOHG ¿J%  ¿J& 4. 7DNH RXW WKH trim gasket2 ORFDWHG RQ WKH VLGH SDQHO RI WKH DSSOLDQFH DQG VWLFN LW RQ UHYHUVH VLGH RI WKH GRRU KLQJHV RI WKH DSSOLDQFH ¿J'  ¿J( 5. [. . . ]